Exhibited BILL WOODROW: SCULPTURE, New 57 Gallery, Edinburgh, 1981 OBJECTS & SCULPTURE, Arnolfini, Bristol, 1981 OBJECTS & SCULPTURE, I.C.A., London, 1981 BILL WOODROW: SCULPTURE, Galerie t'Venster, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1982 BIENNALE OF SYDNEY, Australia, 1982 JETSAM POETRY: THE SCULPTURE OF BILL WOODROW 1972-90, www.houldsworth.co.uk/viewing-room/28-jetsam-poetry-the-sculpture-of-bill-woodrow-1972-90-art-basel-ovr-pioneers/, , 2021
Illustrated Iwona Blaswick. OBJECTS & SCULPTURE (cat.), I.C.A., London and Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol, , 1981 BILL WOODROW (cat.), Galerie Wittenbrink, Regensburg, Germany, 1981 ARTISTS’ NEWSLETTER , Sunderland, , June 1981 BIENNALE OF SYDNEY (cat.), Sydney, Australia, 1982 Lewis Biggs. The desiring machine, TRANSFORMATIONS (cat.), British Council for the Bienal de São Paulo 1983, London, , 1983 Julia Kelly & Jonathan Wood. THE SCULPTURE OF BILL WOODROW (monograph), Lund Humphries Ltd, London, , 2013