Exhibited BILL WOODROW: SCULPTURE, St. Paul's Gallery, Leeds, 1982 BRITISH ART SHOW, City Museum and Art Gallery/Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, 1984 BRITISH ART SHOW, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh, 1985 BRITISH ART SHOW, Mappin Art Gallery, Sheffield, 1985 BRITISH ART SHOW, Southampton Art Gallery, Southampton, 1985 INNOCENCE AND EXPERIENCE, City Art Gallery, Manchester , 1992 INNOCENCE AND EXPERIENCE, Ferens Art Gallery, Hull, 1992 INNOCENCE AND EXPERIENCE, Castle Museum, Nottingham, 1993 INNOCENCE AND EXPERIENCE, Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, Glasgow, 1993 SPEAKERS CORNER, The Art Bus, touring Fife, Scotland, 1994 DE HENRY MOORE OS ANOS 90, Auditorio de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 1995 DE HENRY MOORE OS ANOS 90, Serralves Foundation, Oporto, Portugal, 1995 SCULPTURES 1981-1997, Mestna Galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1997
Illustrated John Roberts. Car doors and indians, ZG no.6, London, , April 1982 Michael Newman. BILL WOODROW (cat.), Galerie ‘t Venster/Rotterdamse Kunststichting, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 1982 David Elliott. BEAVER, BOMB AND FOSSIL (cat.), Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, , 1983 William Feaver. Woodrow’s new findings, VOGUE , London, , February 1984 Jean-Christophe Amman. BILL WOODROW (cat.), Kunsthalle , Basel, Switzerland, January 1985 Lynne Cooke. The elevation of the host, BILL WOODROW SCULPTURE 1980-86 (cat.), Fruitmarket Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland, September 1986 John Roberts. BILL WOODROW: XXI BIENAL DE SAO PAULO 1991 (cat.), The British Council, London, , 1991 INNOCENCE AND EXPERIENCE (cat.), Manchester City Art Galleries, Manchester, , 1992 ESCULTURA BRITANICA CONTEMOPORANEA: DE HENRY MOORE A LOS ANOS 90 (cat.), Auditorio de Galicia, Spain/Fundacao de Serralves, Oporto, Portugal, 1995 Keith Patrick. BILL WOODROW - SCULPTURES 1981-1997 (cat.), Mestna Galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 1997 Jelka Sutej Adamic. Humor - intelektualno orozje, KULTURA , Ljubljana, Slovenia, 23 May 1997 Julia Kelly & Jonathan Wood. THE SCULPTURE OF BILL WOODROW (monograph), Lund Humphries Ltd, London, , 2013