Exhibited BILL WOODROW: SCULPTURE, Barbara Gladstone Gallery, New York, USA, 1987 DE HENRY MOORE OS ANOS 90, Auditorio de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 1995 DE HENRY MOORE OS ANOS 90, Serralves Foundation, Oporto, Portugal, 1995 BILL WOODROW: SCULPTURES 1981-1988, Waddington Custot Galleries, London, 2011 JETSAM POETRY: THE SCULPTURE OF BILL WOODROW 1972-90, www.houldsworth.co.uk/viewing-room/28-jetsam-poetry-the-sculpture-of-bill-woodrow-1972-90-art-basel-ovr-pioneers/, , 2021
Illustrated Demetrio Paparoni. La metafisica dell' oggetto. Bill Woodrow, TEMA CELESTE no.15, Siracusa, Italy, March-May 1987 ESCULTURA BRITANICA CONTEMOPORANEA: DE HENRY MOORE A LOS ANOS 90 (cat.), Auditorio de Galicia, Spain/Fundacao de Serralves, Oporto, Portugal, 1995 Julia Kelly. Sculpture, bricolage and the art of Bill Woodrow, BILL WOODROW: SCULPTURES 1981-1988 (cat.), Waddington Custot Galleries, London, , 2011